You know, you really shouldn't take medication for your mental health. Don't you realize that if somehow you no longer had access to it, you would be disabled? It's absurd. I mean, I do understand that perhaps you need Xanax right now. But you really should get off of it as soon as possible. You are in intense trouble if you don't, for access to these things could be cut off before you know it.
Oh, do psychedelics help you? Sure, they grow in the wild. But what happens if an apocalypse occurs and it leaves all vegetation unable to produce? What could you do? There would be nothing. You really should be more prepared. I fear for your safety.
You know, now that I think of it, that music that brings you so much peace? You really would strip it of all the instruments. There may be a time when instruments are no longer available to play music. And those instruments that pull your heartstrings will have become an addiction. You will be unable to be swayed by any music that lacks it.
Oh, remember acapella. You know, you may be alone one day, and the voice of many could also cloud your ability to find solace in your heart. Yes, you better stick to the performances of a single person. Well, that would be ridiculous. What if you rely on the voice of that person? Your music player should likely be filled with your solo renditions of these songs so you find comfort in your voice rather than the voice of others.
Then, those wretch shows and games you use for relaxation. Yes, it is unlikely those would survive the bombings. It is best to learn how to relax without them.
You know, even all the books that could burn. Oh, does that book bring you spiritual comfort? It'll be better to memorize each verse that matters to you before it's too late.
That house that you love. What happens if it gets destroyed in a bombing? You should learn to live in a tent. It's best not to become dependent on that either.
Now, you are on your way to a sustainable lifestyle. Strip it of all joy, all comforts, all modern amenities. You are better off living like a caveman, not getting used to those ugly things that could be gone should a nuclear war break out.
Then, and only then, will you indeed be safe.
Well that’s depressing