Hello, my sleeping angel.
It's time to open your eyes.
You've been asleep for quite some time;
I thought it'd be wise to bring you along.
You see, I found something quite special
Where I would have never suspected.
I discovered within me that that thing called my conscience
Was a lying piece of shit, pushing me to be overly cautious.
Welcome to paradise; can you believe your own eyes?
There's nothing quite like it, and we're invited inside.
All you must do is let go of some things you have held quite dear.
See, your morals are an evolutionary hazard, left there to drown you.
We can be rich, famous, and you wouldn't believe
All the candy you'd ever hoped for since you were a teen.
See, you've been tricked because if you look around you,
You'd see a room full of imposters left there to fool you.
You see, they don't like that they are too weak
To let go of their inner demons and embrace this peace.
They are jealous, you see, of what you might do
If you discovered that inside you was an optional ill.
There is a land full of people that have found the right path,
And they are playing without us; it's now time to act.
I know it is scary, but trust me and see:
There's nothing to be afraid of when you're truly free.
You see, mystery boxes can help us, and cheating is a shortcut.
Didn't Mario Kart ever teach you a thing?
And these other things too have still been good all along:
Charity, non-profits, and saving the world.
But you see, it's not possible until people like we
Decide to stop letting that little demon misguide you.
We can be free and have all that we need
With a loving embrace to these people we cling.
But be sure not to wrong them, for they're quite sensitive.
But it won't matter if you listen carefully.
See, do what you're told and don't second guess;
Your conscience will be replaced with these people, and there's not even a test.
As long as you follow a few simple rules,
We can partake in this bountiful fold.
I can't wait for you to finally deprogram.
Welcome to the Candyland of the Damned.