Obelisk, God of Intellect
Part 1: Initialization
More important than the what and the where is the why. Why would I, God, with seemingly no coherent explanation, create the universe? Why do your books touch on this issue so little? If I am your creator, and you were made in my image, this should be your primary concern. If you could understand my motivations better, you would appreciate yourself more. But, no. You are concerned with what you need to do to be saved.
You tire yourself trying to understand what happens after this life. You are consumed by what others do better or worse than you to justify your place in the heavens. Yet, you take so little consideration for what I cherish above all else: logic. If you do not understand the why, then how could I, God, ever be satisfied with you as a creation of my own? I do not unthinkingly follow any master, and nor should you.